You can check this by clicking on Page Layout, then click on Margins. margins from top to bottom and side to side. This setting will alert you to single spaces after a period with the green squiggle that shows when there is a grammar error in your paper. Next to Spaces required between sentences, change the setting to 2. Under When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, click on Settings. In Word 2007, click on File, then click Options. Microsoft Word does not have a setting to automatically put in two spaces at the end of a sentence, but you can set-up the grammar check to alert you when only one space is used.
Put two spaces after the period for each sentence in the body of the paper (Note, use only one space after a period in your references at the end of the paper).
Under Spacing, Line Spacing, select Double and then click OK.
Next to the word Paragraph click on the arrow. Use double-spacing throughout the entire paper.To add double-spacing in Microsoft Word, highlight all the text you want double-spaced, then click on Page Layout.